
Saturday 5 December 2015

Alternative TV - Live at Stonehenge Free Festival (1978)

Second re-up for the evening. A live testimony of their now legendary 1978 summer tour here when everything changed for the band. More details below. Catch it here.

I'll be honest. I'm not totally sure all these songs were recorded at the Stonehenge Free Festival on the 20th June 1978. Let me tell you why. "Another Coke" was on the Live 1978 LP released by Overground and was actually said to be recorded at the festival. There was also "Splitting In Two" on this album, the same version that we could find on the A-side of the What You See... Is What You Are split LP with Here & Now, an album said to be recorded at the same festival (the same year of course and surely the same set). So, I added the songs from this split LP to "Another Coke". The problem is that it's not clear whether all the songs on What You See... were recorded at this festival, some are said to be recorded at The Albany Empire but it's not specified which ones. So, fuck off, I gathered them all and let's say that we are near the Stonehenge monumental stones with Mark Perry singing about masturbation and being raped when a child and feeling splitting in two and suffering. Surely the hippies were a little disoriented by such a lyrical content when they were waiting for some cosmosconic gang bang party with the stars (the reals, not the movie ones). On a more amusing side, let's read what Mark Perry told about this experience "I remember when we went to Stonehenge. Can you imagine, this muddy field with hippies everywhere and I had to sleep in this tent which I dreaded because I hated tents. And in the morning I said, "Where do we get something to eat?" and they're all laughing at me, these hippies. "Cook it yourself, man, what's the matter with you?" I said, "Where's the nearest town?" "About a four mile walk." And I said, "Where can I get a taxi?" ....they thought we were such softies. They were used to it. They'd been travelling around on a bus, playing fields, begging for money. They'd been living the life. And we turned up in our van straight from home!!"

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