
Saturday 2 January 2016

Kim Fowley - Now (2012)

Another re-up of a 2012 Kim Fowley LP, another great one, the last offers of this weird character being unfaithfully underrated and overlooked. There are some real gems in it although it is not so good than 666. On the 15th of January, there'll be 1 year KF is dead. Strange to live in a world where some artists that we were used, aren't anymore (recently Lemmy Kilminster). But that's the way life goes and one day the world will be without each of us. Note that KF has finally been on the cover of Girls And Corpses as he wanted to (see here and there). Although I'm not very sensitive, it's a bit hard for me. I also created another fake cover sleeve with a picture from a photo session he shot with Chelsea Schuchman taken by Brad Elterman (the whole session here). I think it's better than the ugly coloured original one. No info once again about the musicians. Ashame since there are some great parts and musical themas on it such as "Toxic Rivers Overflow" (see the rudimentary clip below I created tonight) or "Artificial Sunshine". Catch this re-up here.

Yesterday I saw Kim Fowley with Snow Mercy play in the Saint Merri church in Paris and this was an incredibly strong emotional experience. He improvised (almost) all the texts and litterally created in front of us the music he played, thanks to the great French musicians that backed him with a "formidable" adaptative ability (they are called the Electric Virgins I think). It was the first (and surely the last) time I saw my all-time-hero on stage and I couldn't be anything else than impressed by this legend of rock 'n' roll offering in no way the usual pathetic face of "ghosts-of-what-they-were" old artists but novative, subversive and transgressive creative force at 72 and 4 bladder cancers survivor. Now this post. It's about his last LP called Now and released last month. You will think I'm a complete fan and finally you're not wrong but again I find this new album totally stunning. Although I regret not to have any details about the players (they should be cited after all), it's again a clear sign that Kim Fowley has rarely been in a more creative state than in these last months. He escaped death for the best since he offers us some great insight in human condition via a much more experimental approach of music than on his recent and fantastic 666. There's a rocker handful (the 2 intro songs) but several more adventurous tracks (notably the splendid "Artificial Sunshine" and "Demons-Underdogs-Assassins", the 2 in streaming below), but also the moving and wonderful "Toxic Rivers Overflow" (also in streaming below) with a celestian and arabian atmosphere. Sometimes we're not far from the old Fall style ("Master of Disaster"). But better to stop my useless commentary about an unavoidable new piece of the Kim's puzzle that he will leave to the world. Please try to buy here.

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