
Sunday, 15 May 2016

Barry Ryan - 3 LP (1970)

Here happy tax payer (actually you don't, everything's tax-free here), at least and at last, a re-up of the 3rd Barry Ryan's LP and, more crucially, with high sound quality, not the mediocre vinyl-ripped version I had done in the previous post 6 years ago. I must say that I found these versions on Youtube by a certain Ther51(here). I don't know where he found them or maybe he's a better ripper than I am (surely). What's clear now is that this album is much greater that I thought it was initially. Some may say that the vinyl version should have revealed all the greatness of the record but I must have failed to listen to it with the appropriate attention. So, it's a great pleasure that I lived long enough to repost a respectful version of this album, from one of the most underrated musician duo (Paul and Barry) of history. Sad they did not received the respect they deserved. Catch it here. Everything about the did-it-myself cover sleeve in the text of the first post below.

(Sanctus, Sanctus) Hallelujah, I finally found, bought and received the 3rd album of Barry Ryan and I ripped it for you because visitors of this blog deserve the best and the rarest (even if you do not leave much comments compared to the dl rate but no matter, when I went on blogs, I rarely left comments, thinking it was useless... it's not). This album is quite good and some songs are prime meat (even if I prefer to eat vegan) but unfortunately only 8 among the 12 songs are from Paul Ryan, and the non-Paul ones are not really a success. It's on this album there is "Kitsch", a quite fantastic orchestral pop hymn that would merit to be a massive hit, that would have helped to reveal that Queen drank some of this juice to make their own cocktail (and even if it's not my personal beverage). Although I have the real cover sleeve (see below), I created a do-it-myself one (and you can do what you want with this virtual cover, I consider that when I've posted something here, it's belonging to anyone likes it) cos' really Barry Ryan did not benefit of decent sleeves you'll admit. The painting is from a doom-lover called ForlornExistence (something tells me it's not his real name) and you can find more on DeviantArt. This painting fits quite well with the general emphasis of the Ryans music on this album. Enjoy this rarity I'm proud to take out forgottenland to put under the bloglight. More to come (I hope I'll be able to post all Barry Ryan songs in the future).

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