
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Christophe - Succ�s Fou / Coeur D�figur� 7" (1983)

Last re-up from Christophe. Not for the A-side (see below) but for the B-side, which not less than one of his most synth-aggressive track. If you like Colin Newman, you'll love this song, there's many similarities between them. Note that he still regularly plays this song on stage (see the video below in 2010), suggesting it was not only a filler for a single. This re-up has the officially released digital version instead of my weakly vinyl ripped version (in the initial post). I'll add more in the further days of these Christophe singles' B-sides that deserved to be remembered. They were announcing the current Christophe undying research for experimental songs. As I recently wrote, there's a new Christophe album on sale now (called Vestiges du Chaos) and it's a way te drive attention toward it, from all over the world if possible (although he sings in French). Catch this forgotten gem here. Below the text written for the first post.

 Actually, this single had "Succ�s Fou" (crazy success, which means to be popular among women) as A-side and "Coeur D�figur�" (disfigured heart) as B-side. But honestly, "Succ�s Fou" is no more than the opportunistic slow that Christophe regularly composed to earn enough money to live and to pursue his musical inovations that one could listen to on B-sides and in albums. This one is one of my faves, even if the arrangements sound sometimes a little bit eighties, but more Colin Newman that Depeche Mode or Duran Duran. In 1983, Christophe began a long period of semi-silence that would end in 1996 with his Bevilacqua album (13 years with only some weak singles). After that, he would be considered as a great musical novator by some of those who despised him before, although he is one since the end of the sixties (remember "La Petite Fille du 3�me" or "Rock Monsieur"). The album that he'd released the year of the single was the very weak Clich�s d'Amour. In fact, it seems that after a clear progressive evolution towards a dark and bloody atmosphere (with the highly recommended Pas Vu pas Pris, in which Alain Kan, the brother of Christophe's wife, wrote most of the lyrics) Christophe was wondering where to go. He will search his way for more than 12 years. Who could come back stronger than before after such a long break? He did it. I'm very glad to make this rare song, never released on CD before I think, since it demonstrates to everybody how Christophe was, as Alain Bashung was in the same period, a creator of sounds more than a "vedette de la chanson".

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