
Wednesday, 8 June 2016

40 Year Itch: Byron Ferrari's Biggest Hit

Bryan Ferry : Let's Stick Together

During the second week of June 1976, the title cut from Bryan Ferry's upcoming album entered the UK charts at #34. "Let's Stick Together", which would peak at #4 a week later, is a cover of a fourteen year old Wilbert Harrison tuned performed with members of Roxy Music, Chris Spedding on guitar and, straight from the cover of Siren, Texas supermodel Jerry Hall howling at about two minutes in. 

   Jerry recreates her performance in the official video below. As for Ferry's slightly rapey pencil mustache, Ferry has said he wasn't ever trying to draw attention to himself. "It's a funny thing being such a shy person yet being a singer in a rock band. It's a sort of contradiction.'"

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